Down below are the pictures I took for the drift project. At first I had no idea where to start. I didn't want to drift at the heart of downtown where casinos,traffic, and crowds of people due to the fact it could affect my concentration and focus from the task at hand. What better place to start than at a public park. I started my adventure at the Jones St. and Riverside Dr. intersection which was one of the few places where there's no charge for parking. From there I walk to Bicentennial Park where I got my inspiration from Charles Ginnever's sculpture "Gallop-a-pace" to take pictures of public art. I then made my way across the Truckee River to Barbara Bennet Park in which to my surpise found a painting of two figures playing tennis with one another on a garbage can of all places. Shortly after I went back to Bicentennial Park and made the decision to walk along Ralston St. where I stumbled upon some sort of railroad track tunnel which I was evidently standing on. Right under the fencing on the concrete there was multiple imprints of leaves. As I continued my drift I walked past a cool but weird looking public art bench called "Redirect Red 5" made by Bo Kempf. Just a block away or so I found a painting of a purple blossom with two words on the side that read "Random act" which pretty much sums up my action of taking the picture of it and the "random" location of the painting. My drift came to an end soon after ,once I realized nothing else appealed to me. All in all it was a eye-opening experience that I won't soon forget even though the people I tried to avoid, for example the crazy homeless people and the crack addicts which goes hand in hand at times, approached me and asked for money. It's a sad sight to see the state that these people are in. It really makes you feel sorry for them. In a happier note in my drift experience I came to realize that art is virtually everywhere if you take the time to notice it.
Charles Ginnever's "Gallop-a-Pace" Sculpture
Painting of two figures playing tennis
(other figure is on the opposite side of the garbage can)
Imprint's of three leaves.
Bo Kempf's public art bench "Redirect Red5"
A Painting of purple flowers that I walked
upon on a the wall of a building.