Monday, September 27, 2010

Faith Ringgold

  Faith Ringgold is an African-American woman, who began her artistic career more than 35 years ago as a painter. She has exhibited in numerous major museums around the world. Throughout the years she has written and illustrated children's books. Her first book she wrote was called "Tar Beach" which received numerous awards and honors. Today, she is knowned for her painted story quilts which by the name alone tells you that the art combines painting, storytelling, and quilted fabric of your choice. Her painting "God Bless America" to me embodies what role #4 depicts. "God Bless America" relates to the universal truths of the political and social issues that African-Americans have endured during that time period which personally she felt compelled to address. The painting itself was painted during the Civil Rights movement in 1964 where white prejudice against African American was enforced by the legal system. The painting represents the imprisonment of the American Flag. The star on the flag symbolizes a sheriff's badge and the stripes on the flag symbolizes the bars of a jail cell. The white woman is potrayed as a racist who is denying blacks the right to vote. The woman herself is a prisoner of her own bigotry.

"God Bless America"
The American People Series #13: God Bless America

Quilting as an Art Form Video:
Faith Ringgold-Art Collection:

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